720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron
720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron

720 LenaG 1 fake perm shampooing forward manner hairwash in black vinyl cape and apron


14 min video for download

Hairdresser: Sydney

Kultsalon Würzburg s1863

Collection: 720 LenaG forced shampoo and fake perm