9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing
9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing
9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing
9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing
9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing
9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing

9091 Barberette Zoya kitchen sink self shampooing


Barberette Zoya has to wash her hair before going to salon to work. Her boss told her, she will loose the job, when arriving with unshampooed hair.

She loves her job and does not want to loose it. She made a very thoroughly shampooing, lather twice.

Custom video, thanks to J.M.

28 min video for download

Model: Zoya

Nollendorfplatz, Berlin, Germany, 2021 Salon s1916

Collection: 9091 Funda and Zoya vinylcape and leatherpants haircaresessions

Collection: kitchensink shampooing