1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other
1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other
1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other
1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other
1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other
1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other

1050 231127 public livestream new barberettes each other

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3 hours HD public livesteam for download

Kultsalon Frankfurt, Salon: s1979

Client: Barberette Nora got a AS custom perm by Alessia and Uschi

Client Katja got shampoo and curly blow style by Friseuse Uschi

Client Barberette Alessia got wetset by Friseuse Uschi

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Collection: 1050 previous livestreams